Information Resources

Our wide variety of materials is both in print and electronic formats. These include books, research papers, periodical titles, newspapers and magazines. The dynamic growth of the library collection is commensurate with the expansion of the University academic programs.

General collection

This covers a wide variety of resources in various subjects. They are situated at the upper floor on open shelves. Africana collection and biographies

Africana collection comprises materials authored by Africans, or of topical interest about  

Africa. It is situated at the ground floor, to the right from the entrance next to the Reference collection. The materials can be borrowed for a period of two weeks. Several selected biographies are also shelved at the end of the Africana section.

Reserve collection

Selected resources required for certain taught courses are kept on the Reserve shelf behind the circulation counter. They are usually reserved by respective lecturers for a limited period of time. Theses form part of the collection. Users are allowed to borrow for a period of 2 hours and use within the library. The same materials are available for overnight loan after 9.00 p.m. for return on the following day by 9.00 a.m. During the weekend they may be borrowed after 4.00 p.m. on Saturday and returned before 9.00 a.m. on Monday. 


Periodicals such as print journals, research publications, magazines and newspapers are available in a room next the Circulation counter. 

Reference collection

A small collection of reference resources are available at the far end of the ground floor. These include dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, bibliographies, directories and yearbooks among others. They are used within the library.

How to access and use ; E-journals, E-books, Past papers, Institutional Repository, Online Catalog and Off-campus access tool MYLOFT

Electronic resources and the Internet

We provide access to relevant electronic information resources which contribute to the teaching and learning mission of the university while complementing the resources available in print form. Several computers with 24-hour Internet connectivity have been set aside for accessing online resources. In addition, most of the library building is covered by a wireless network. Users with personal laptop computers can make use of this facility in the library and in other areas covered by the network within the university. The network is secured, and you need to obtain login details from the ICT department.

Online journals and databases

In addition to freely available resources, the Library subscribes to a number of online journals through the Kenya Libraries and

Information Services Consortium (KLISC).The databases include Gale Thomson, Emerald, Oxford University Press, Institute of Physics, EBSCO, IEEE and JSTOR among others. Most of these resources are accessible within the university network, or remotely using off campus access. The only database that requires username and password to access is HINARI and it can be availed upon request.


Lexis Nexis database

LexisNexis database is accessible within the local area network. There are two categories of resources. The links are provided below:

  1. LexisNexis Academic 

This features more than 6,000 publications spanning news, legal, financial, medical and general reference information. They are useful to legal, government, and business information professionals and researchers.

  1. Lexis Library

This provides access to sources covering UK legislation. These include Parliament Acts along with over 160 commentary titles covering all areas of the law, including; Halsbury’s Laws of England, Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law, Hill & Redman’s Law of Landlord and Tenant, Rayden & Jackson on Divorce and Family Matters, Civil Court Practice, Blackstone’s Criminal Practice, Butterworths Company Law Handbook.


Clinicalkey database

The database ( contains useful resources in medicine and health sciences. Visit the website and register using your Kabarak email address. You can also utilize the remote access feature, so long as you also use the university network within a period of 3 months.



The library is presently subscribed to some e-book databases, such as Taylor & Francis and Project Muse (2013 and 2014).


Library’s online catalogue

An Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is accessible to you both within and outside the university. This facility allows you to find out the information resources the library has. It is important to visit the library catalogue when you wish to find a book on the shelf. 


Institutional Repository (KABU Repository)

The library has developed an open access electronic archive for the collection, preservation and distribution of the University’s intellectual materials. These include conference papers and proceedings, theses and dissertations, memorabilia and other selected University records.


Digital library (e-Maktaba) 

The e-Maktaba contains useful resources such as past exam papers in digital form. The past exams done from December 2008 onwards are available in soft copy from the digital library. 


Remote access platform

The off-campus access facility enables you to access the subscribed online resources while you are not using the University local area network. The link is available on the university website. Contact the Information Desk or library ICT office for assistance in the registration process. Once you receive the registration link on your email, ensure that you complete the registration process within a period of two weeks.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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