Electronic Books




Wolters Kluwer Ebooks   https://ebooks.lwwindia.co.in/
Ebrary Subject Coverage: Anthropology, Business and economics, Education, Fine arts, History, Language and literature, Law, Life sciences, Medicine, Physical sciences, Psychology, Religion, Social sciences, Technology, Computers and IT. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kABARAK-ebooks/home.action
Project MUSE Books

Subject Coverage: Humanities and Social sciences.

SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO)

This is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty, and students with their research projects. SRMO links researchers to content from books, book chapters, journals, reference books, videos, etc.

Researchers can explore methods and concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SRMO focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.  Visit the website for more information.

UpToDate Ebooks UpToDate offers a number of subscriptions and add-on products, allowing you to have the most up-to-date information and improve patient care https://www.uptodate.com/login



Bookboon (open Access) Provides free online textbooks covering topics such as economics, statistics, IT, engineering and natural science http://bookboon.com/
Booksee (open Access) Provides multidisciplinary e-books library http://en.booksee.org/
Capstone Publishers (open Access) Provides free medical books on Gastroenterology and Hepatology http://www.giandhepatology.com/

Directory of Open Access Books

(open Access)

The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Provides peer reviewed books published under an open access license http://www.doabooks.org/

ESRI e-books

(open Access)

ESRI provide useful information in Geographic Information Systems. http://www.esri.com/esri-news/publications/ebooks

Free Book Center

(open Access)

Free book centre contains links to thousands of free online technical books, which Include core computer science, networking, programming languages, Systems Programming books, Linux books and many more. http://www.freebookcentre.net/


(open Access)

FreeBooks4Doctors was created to promote the free availability of medical books on the Internet. http://www.freebooks4doctors.com/


(open Access)

IntechOpen is the world’s leading publisher of Open Access books Built by scientists, for scientists https://www.intechopen.com/books
The Online Books Page(open Access) The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all. https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/
Open Book Publishers (open Access) Open Book Publishers was founded in 2008 by a small group of academics at the University of Cambridge. It offers online digital editions free of charge so that students, researchers and members of the public who cannot afford a printed edition can still have access to quality research. http://www.openbookpublishers.com/
Open Text Book (open Access) Open textbooks are textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed. These books have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality. https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/
Project Gutenberg (open Access) Project Gutenberg offers over 50,000 free ebooks to download to your PC, Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Android or other portable device. They provide high quality ebooks published by bonafide publishers. http://www.gutenberg.org/
Textbook revolution (open Access) On this site you’ll find links and reviews of textbooks and select educational resources. Some of the books are PDF files, others are viewable online as e-books, or some are simply web sites containing course or multimedia content. http://textbookrevolution.org/index.php/Main_Page
The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) (open Access) The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) which was launched in April 2012 is the official World Bank open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products. It contains research from thousands of works including World Bank published books from 2009-2012; all World Development Reports (WDRs) since 1978; Policy Research Working Papers (PRWP) from 2009-2012; Economic and Sector Work (ESW) studies from 2009-2012; Journal articles from 2007-2010 published in World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and World Bank Research Observer (WBRO). https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/community-list
Taylor and francis

Area Studies, Arts, Audiology and Hearing Science, Behavioral Sciences, Bioscience, Built, Environment, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Development Studies, Environment, Social Work, Urban Studies, Earth Sciences, Economics, Finance, Business & Industry, Education, Engineering & Technology, Environment & Agriculture,  Environment and Sustainability, Food Science & Technology, Geography, Global Development, Health and Social Care, Humanities, Information Science, K-12 Resources, Language & Literature,

Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, Museum and Heritage Studies, Physical Sciences, Politics & International Relations, Reference & Information Science, Research Methods, Social Sciences, Sports and Leisure, Tourism, Hospitality and Events, Urban Studies, Veterinary Medicine

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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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