Electronic Journals-on-campus Access

E-Journals Publishers




EBSCO Host Research Databases


Agriculture & Food Science,  Art & Architecture,  Biology & Life Sciences,  Business & Economics,  Chemistry,  Communication & Mass Media,  Cultural & Area Studies,  Dentistry & Oral Sciences,  Diversity, Equity & Inclusion,  Education,  Environment,  History,  Humanities,  Law & Criminal Justice,  LGBT & Gender Studies,  Library & Information Science,  Literature & Language,  Mathematics,  Medical,  Multidisciplinary,  Music & Performing Arts,  Nursing & Allied Health,  Physics,  Political Science,  Psychology,  Religion & Philosophy,  Sociology & Social Work,  Sports & Sports Medicine,  Technology & Engineering,  Vocational Studies.


Emerald insight,

Management, Library & information services journals, marketing, business disciplines, engineering, and Materials science.


Oxford journals





Archaeology , Art , Classical Studies , Digital Humanities,  History , Language Teaching and Learning , Linguistics , Literature , Media Studies , Music , Philosophy , Religion , Society and Culture , Allied Health Professions,  Anesthetics,  Clinical Neuroscience,  Clinical Medicine , Community Medical Services,  Critical Care,  History of Medicine,  Medical Skills,  Medical Ethics,  Medical Dentistry , Medical Statistics and Methodology,  Neurology , Nursing Studies,  Nursing,  Obstetrics and Gynecology,  Occupational Medicine,  Pediatrics,  Pathology , Patient Education and Information,  Pharmacology , Preclinical Medicine , Primary Care,  Professional Development in Medicine,  Psychiatry , Public Health and Epidemiology , Radiology , Reproductive Medicine,  Surgery , Anthropology , Business and Management , Criminology and Criminal Justice , Economics , Education , Environment, Human Geography , Interdisciplinary Studies , Museums,  Libraries,  and Information Sciences,  Politics , Regional and Area Studies , Research and Information,  Social Work , Sociology ,  Arbitration,  Company and Commercial Law, Comparative Law,  Competition Law,  Constitutional and Administrative Law , Employment and Labour Law, Environment and Energy.Law,  EU Law, Family Law, Financial Law, History of Law, Human Rights and Immigration, Intellectual Property Law, International Law , IT and Communications Law, Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, Law and Society, Legal System and Practice, Medical and Healthcare Law, Policing, Trusts Law, Biological Sciences , Chemistry , Computer Science , Computing , Earth Sciences and Geography , Engineering and Technology , Environmental Science , Materials Science , Mathematics , Neuroscience , Physics , Psychology.


Sage Journals

Business & Management, Communication & Media Studies and Language & Linguistics, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Design, Architecture & Ergonomics, Education, Geography, Urban Studies & Planning, Politics, Public Administration & International Relations, Psychology & Counseling, Religion, Research Methods & Evaluation, Social Work & Social Policy, Sociology, Gender Studies & Cultural Studies.



Subject Coverage : Advanced Basic Science, Allergy and Immunology, Anatomy, Anaesthesia, Biochemistry, Cardiovascular, Clinical Diagnostics/Diagnosis, Clinical Examination, Critical Care, Dentistry, Dermatology, Emergency, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Epidemiology Medical Statistics, Family Medicine/General Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, General Nursing, Hematology, Hematology, Oncology, and Palliative Medicine, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Medicine for Dentistry, Microbiology, Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine, Nephrology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Otolaryngology, Pain Medicine, Pathology, Pediatrics, Periodontics, Pharmacology/Toxicology, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatric/Mental Health, Pulmonary/Respiratory, Radiology, Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging, Rheumatology, Sleep Medicine, Surgery, Urology.


Taylor & Francis Journals


Arts, Behavioral Sciences, Bioscience, Built Environment, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics,  Finance,  Business & Industry, Education, Engineering & Technology, Environment & Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability, Food Science & Technology, Geography, Global Development, Health and Social Care, Humanities, Information Science, Language & Literature, Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine,  Dentistry,  Nursing & Allied Health, Museum and Heritage Studies, Physical Sciences, Politics & International Relations, Social Sciences, Sports and Leisure, Tourism,  Hospitality and Events, Urban Studies.

https://www.tandfonline.com/ ,

Mary Ann Liebert

Biomedical Science, Research and Development, Biosafety and Biosecurity, Environmental Science and Research, Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology, and Regenerative medicine, Law and Policy, Medicine, Surgery and Diagnosis, Public Health Research and Practice, Space Science and Research, Technology, Engineering, and Computational Biology.


Wiley Online Library


Agriculture, Aquaculture,  Fisheries & Fish Science, Food Science & Technology, Architecture, Planning, Art & Photography, Clothing & Fashion, Design & Graphic Design, Museum & Heritage Studies, Performing Arts & Music, Business & Management, Economics, Finance & Investments, Accounting, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Catalysis, Chemical Engineering, Computational Chemistry & Molecular Modelling, Environmental Chemistry, General & Introductory Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, General Computing, Computer Science, Information Science & Technology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Studies,   Space and Planetary Sciences, Classical Studies, Cultural Studies, History, Language & Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Religion & Theology, Law, General Life Sciences, Anatomy & Physiology, Cell & Molecular Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, Microbiology & Virology, Neuroscience, Plant Science, Zoology & Animal Science,  Criminology, Mathematics, Statistics, General & Introductory Medical Science, Basic Medical Sciences, Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Anaesthesia & Pain Management, Cardiovascular Disease, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Dermatology Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Evidence Based Medicine, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, General & Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Hematology, Infectious Disease & Microbiology, Nephrology, Neurology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oncology & Radiotherapy, Ophthalmology & Optometry, Otolaryngology (Ear,  Nose & Throat), Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Medicine, Psychiatry, Radiology & Imaging, Respiratory Medicine, Rheumatology, Sports Medicine & Orthopedics, Surgery & Surgical Specialties, Transplantation, Urology, Dentistry, Health & Social Care, Intellectual Disability, Mental Health & Addiction, Nursing, Nutrition & Dietetics, Rehabilitation, Astronomy, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering & Construction, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Energy, Industrial Engineering, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Physics, Polymer Science & Technology, Security Management, Applied Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational & School Psychology, General Psychology, Personality & Individual Differences, Psychological Methods,  Research & Statistics, Psychotherapy & Counseling, Social Psychology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Communication & Media Studies, Development Studies, Education, Family & Child Studies, Geography, Political Science, Social Policy & Welfare, Sociology, Urban Studies, Equine Science, Veterinary Medicine.




Agriculture and Food, Development, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Finance and Investment, Governance, Industry and Services, Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, Social Issues/Migration/Health, Taxation, Trade, Transport, Urban,  Rural and Regional Development.


University of Chicago Press

Anthropology and archaeology, Art and art history, Economics, Education, History, History and philosophy of science, Humanities, Law and politics, Literary studies, Medieval and Renaissance studies, Philosophy, Science, Social sciences.


Henry Stewart Talks Ltd


Chemistry, Cancer, Cell Biology, Clinical Practice, Genetics & Epigenetics, Immunology, Metabolism & Nutrition, Methods, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physiology & Anatomy, Plant & Animal Sciences, Reproduction & Development.




Telecommunications,  , Computer Science;, Architecture,  Imaging Science & Photographic Technology,  , Robotics,  Biomedical Engineering,  , Computer Science Information Systems,  Software Engineering,  Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence.  


Lexis Nexis Legal Library


Butterworths, Halsbury’s Laws, Tolley’s,  Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law and Civil Court Practice. Plus,  wide-ranging primary source materials including all England Law Reports,  Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents,  Atkins Court Forms among others. (This is only for the institutions that offer law and pay for it separately)


Wolters Kluwer’s Basic Sciences Collection


clinical skills in Health sciences including basic sciences,  Medical education,   Pharmacology,   Physiology,  Biochemistry, Anatomy,  microbiology,  Epidemiology,   Neurosciences, Pathology



Architecture & Architectural History, Art & Art History, Garden & Landscape, Music, Performing Arts, Business, Development Studies, Economics, Finance, Labor & Employment Relations, Management & Organizational Behavior, Marketing & Advertising, History, History of Science & Technology, Bibliography, Classical Studies, Film Studies, Folklore, Language & Literature, Museum Studies, Philosophy, Religion, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Law, Health Policy, Health Sciences, Public Health, Agriculture, Aquatic Sciences, Astronomy, Biological Sciences, Botany & Plant Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Developmental & Cell Biology, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Engineering, Environmental Science, General Science, Geology, Horticulture, Mathematics, Paleontology, Physics, Science & Technology Studies, Statistics, Technology, Zoology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, Education, Environmental Studies, Feminist & Women's Studies, Food Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, International Relations, Library Science, Linguistics, Military Studies, Peace & Conflict Studies, Political Science, Population Studies, Psychology, Public Policy & Administration, Security Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Sustainability, Transportation Studies, Urban Studies,






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Agricultural Sciences, Animal Health, Anthropology, Aquatic Sciences,  Atmospheric Sciences, Biodiversity, Biology,  Biophysics, Biotechnology,  Business Management,  Chemistry,  Climate Change,  Communication,  Computer Science,  Crops,  Economics,  Education,  Energy,  Entomology,  Environmental Sciences,  Family Farming,  Fisheries,  Food Safety,  Food Security, Food Technology,  Forestry,  Genetics,  Geography,  Geology and Earth Sciences,  Health,  History,  Hydrogeology, Indigenous Knowledge,Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs),  Information Science,  Law,  Livestock,  Microbiology,  Natural Resources,  Nutrition,  Plant Sciences,  Politics,  Political Science & Government,  Sociology,  Soil Sciences, Statistics, Toxicology.



Please consult the library for username and password.



Acoustics and Sound,  Analytical chemistry,  Animal Health,  Astronomy,  Biology,  Biomedical Engineering,  Electronics and Instrumentation,  Bridge engineering,  Building construction,  Chemical technology,  Chemistry,  Civil engineering,  Computer Science,  Crystallography,  Electrical engineering/Electronics/Nuclear engineering,  Electricity and Magnetism,  Entomology/Pest Control,  Environmental technology/Sanitary engineering,  Fisheries,  Fisheries/Aquatic Science,  Forestry,  Forestry Machinery and Engineering,  Geology and Earth Sciences,  Handicrafts,  Arts and Crafts,  Heat,  Highway Engineering,  Roads and Pavements,  Home Economics,  Human Anatomy,  Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering,  Information Science,  Inorganic Chemistry,  Intellectual Property,  Manufactures,  Marine Engineering,  Mathematics,  Mechanical Engineering and Machinery,  Medical Informatics,  Medical Technology,  Microbiology,  Mining Engineering and Metallurgy,  Motor Vehicles,  Aeronautics and Astronautics,  Nautical Instruments,  Nuclear Engineering,  Optics and Light,  Organic Chemistry,  Pharmacy and Materia Medica,  Pharmacy and Pharmacology,  Photography,  Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,  Physics,  Physiology,  Plant Sciences,  Railroad Engineering and Operation,  Sanitary Engineering,  Science,  Statistics & Mathematics,  Technology,  Therapeutics,  Therapeutics/Pharmacology,  Zoological Sciences.



Please consult the library for username and password.




Acoustics and Sound,  Analytical chemistry,  Animal Health,  Astronomy,  Biology,  Biomedical Engineering,  Electronics and Instrumentation,  Bridge engineering,  Building construction,  Chemical technology,  Chemistry,  Civil engineering,  Computer Science,  Crystallography,  Electrical engineering/Electronics/Nuclear engineering,  Electricity and Magnetism,  Entomology/Pest Control,  Environmental technology/Sanitary engineering,  Fisheries,  Fisheries/Aquatic Science,  Forestry,  Forestry Machinery and Engineering,  Geology and Earth Sciences,  Handicrafts,  Arts and Crafts,  Heat,  Highway Engineering,  Roads and Pavements,  Home Economics,  Human Anatomy,  Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering,  Information Science,  Inorganic Chemistry,  Intellectual Property,  Manufactures,  Marine Engineering,  Mathematics,  Mechanical Engineering and Machinery,  Medical Informatics,  Medical Technology,  Microbiology,  Mining Engineering and Metallurgy,  Motor Vehicles,  Aeronautics and Astronautics,  Nautical Instruments,  Nuclear Engineering,  Optics and Light,  Organic Chemistry,  Pharmacy and Materia Medica,  Pharmacy and Pharmacology,  Photography,  Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,  Physics,  Physiology,  Plant Sciences,  Railroad Engineering and Operation,  Sanitary Engineering,  Science,  Statistics & Mathematics,  Technology,  Therapeutics,  Therapeutics/Pharmacology,  Zoological Sciences.



Please consult the library for username and password.




Acoustics and Sound,  Administrative Law,  Aeronautics Law,  Agricultural Sciences,  Analytical chemistry,  Animal Health,  Animal Husbandry,  Anthropology,  Aquatic Sciences,  Astronomy,  Atmospheric Sciences,  Biochemistry,  Biodiversity,  Biology,  Biomedical Engineering,  Electronics and Instrumentation,  Biophysics,  Biotechnology,  Biotechnology,  Genetics & Genetically Modified Species,  Bridge engineering,  Building construction,  Business Management,  Cardiology,  Chemical technology,  Chemistry,  Civil engineering,  Climate Change,  Climatology,  Climate Change & Meteorology,  Commercial Law,  Communication,  Communications Law,  Comparative Law,  Computer Science,  Conflict of Laws,  Constitutional Law,  COVID-19 (Special-2020),  Criminal Law,  Criminal Procedure,  Crops,  Crystallography,  Dentistry,  Dermatology,  Development Studies (GROUP),  Ecology and Wildlife Conservation,  Economics,  Education,  Education (General) and Library Science,  Electrical engineering/Electronics/Nuclear engineering,  Electricity and Magnetism,  Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases,  Energy,  Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy,  Energy Law,  Engineering,  Entomology,  Entomology/Pest Control,  Environmental Chemistry,  Environmental Economics,  Environmental Engineering,  Environmental Law,  Policy and Planning,  Environmental Sciences,  Environmental Sciences and Geography,  Environmental technology/Sanitary engineering,  Ethics,  Family Farming,  Family Law,  Fisheries,  Fisheries/Aquatic Science,  Food Safety,  Food Security,  Food Technology,  Forestry,  Forestry Machinery and Engineering,  Gastroenterology,  General Works and References,  Genetics,  Geography,  Geography,  Population Studies & Migration,  Geology and Earth Sciences,  Geriatrics,  Gynecology and Obstetrics,  Handicrafts,  Arts and Crafts,  Health,  Health Law,  Heat,  Hematology,  Highway Engineering,  Roads and Pavements,  History,  History of Law,  Home Economics,  Human Anatomy,  Human Rights,  Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering,  Hydrogeology,  Immigration Law and Asylum Law,  Immunology and Allergy,  Indigenous Knowledge,  Indigenous Rights,  Infectious Diseases,  Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs),  Information Science,  Inorganic Chemistry,  Intellectual Property,  Internal Medicine,  International Law,  International Trade and Investment,  Internet Law,  Labor Law and Social Rights,  Law,  Law of Africa,  Law of Canada,  Law of Eurasia,  Law of Europe,  Law of Latin America and South America,  Law of Middle East and Southwest Asia,  Law of South Asia,  Southeast Asia and East Asia,  Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland,  Law of the United States of America,  Livestock,  Manufactures,  Marine Biology,  Marine Engineering,  Maritime Law,  Materia Medica,  Mathematics,  Mechanical Engineering and Machinery,  Medical Informatics,  Medical Technology,  Medicine,  Microbiology,  Microbiology,  Biochemistry & Other Biosciences,  Mining Engineering and Metallurgy,  Motor Vehicles,  Aeronautics and Astronautics,  Natural Disasters Prediction and Prevention,  Natural Resources,  Nautical Instruments,  Neurosciences,  Nuclear Engineering,  Nursing,  Nutrition,  Oceanography & Marine Biology,  Oncology,  Ophthalmology,  Optics and Light,  Organic Chemistry,  Orthopedics,  Other Systems of Medicine,  Otorhinolaryngology,  Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases,  Pathology,  Pediatrics,  Pharmacy and Materia Medica,  Pharmacy and Pharmacology,  Philosophy and Theory of Law and Jurisprudence,  Philosophy,  Religion and Humanities,  Photography,  Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,  Physical Sciences,  Physics,  Physiology,  Plant Sciences,  Politics,  Political Science & Government,  Pollution and Environmental Toxicology,  Population Studies and Migration,  Property and Land Use,  Psychiatry,  Psychology,  Public Health,  Pulmonology,  Radiology,  Railroad Engineering and Operation,  Religious Law and Legislation,  Remote Sensing and Satellite Technologies,  Sanitary Engineering,  Science,  Social Pathology,  Social Sciences,  Sociology,  Soil Sciences,  Soil Sciences & Desertfication,  Statistics,  Statistics & Mathematics,  Statistics,  Computers & Modeling (Environmental),  Surgery,  Technology,  Technology,  Chemical Technology,  & Biotechnology,  Therapeutics,  Therapeutics/Pharmacology,  Toxicology,  Tropical Medicine,  Urology,  Veterinary & Agricultural Sciences,  Water,  Hydrology & Wetlands,  Zoological Sciences,  Zoology,  Animal Biodiversity,  and Animal Sciences,


Cochrane library The Cochrane Library (ISSN 1465-1858) is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library is owned by Cochrane and published by Wiley. See what’s new on the Cochrane Library. https://www.cochranelibrary.com/


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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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