
Kabarak International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Theology and Family

The Conference on Contemporary Issues in Theology and Family seeks to explore the role of theology and family dynamics in our modern world. This conference will bring together experts in the fields of theology, family dynamics, sociology, psychology, and allied health professionals to discuss the topics and related issues. Wide ranging issues will be discussed, including how individuals and congregations approach personal, family, and organizational issues in light of various theological perspectives.

The exploration of the role of theology in family dynamics will open the door to understand the crucial importance of personal beliefs in family roles and dynamics. Questions such as “what are the theological foundations for family dynamics?”, “what is the role of culture in family dynamics?”, and “how does theology shape our wordviews and understanding of family dynamics?” will be explored at the conference.

In addition to engaging in rigorous debate, participants in the 2023 Conference on Contemporary Issues in Theology and Family will have the opportunity to engage in creative worship, music, and networking activities. Innovative projects showcasing how people are practically applying theology to family dynamics in their own lives and communities will be presented, challenged, and applauded.

The conference will be held in a capstone event, using a variety of evidence-based best practices and curricula through facilitated discussion. A wide range of speakers, including many with lived experience, will be on hand to offer their expertise and experience. There will be opportunity for reflection, the sharing of best practices and ideas, and continued learning in an accessible and supportive environment.

At the conclusion of the conference, a summary of the various conversations had between participants and a summative evaluation of solutions and recommendations will be provided. Through this initiative, participants will be equipped to affect positive change in their families, congregations, and wider communities.

The Conference on Contemporary Issues in Theology and Family provides a unique opportunity for individuals, congregations, and organizations to explore, discuss, and create solutions to the many issues and challenges facing families today. It is our sincere hope that, through collective dialogue, the event will provide new ideas, hope, and inspiration for families, congregations, and organizations as they strive to live out their faith in the context of their specific families.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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