Remarks by Professor Henry K. Kiplangat, Vice-Chancellor, Kabarak University, and Patron of AARUK, During the Official Opening of the Association of Academic Registrars of Universities in Kenya Workshop at Kabarak University, July 25, 2024.

I am delighted to welcome you to Kabarak University. It is a great privilege and honour to host this workshop organized by the Association of Academic Registrars of Universities in Kenya. Thank you for choosing Kabarak University as your preferred venue for the workshop.


Prof Mary Ndungu, Co-Patron, of Association of Academic Registrars, and Vice Chancellor Kirinyaga University;

  • Members of the University Management Board, Kabarak University;
  • Representatives of:
  • CEO, Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service;
  • CEO, Higher Education Loans Board;
  • CEO, Universities Fund;
  • Walter Akuno, Chairman, AARUK – Dr Walter Akuno;
  • Members of the Association of Academic Registrars of Universities in Kenya;
  • Workshop Facilitators;
  • Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Good morning

I am delighted to welcome you to Kabarak University. It is a great privilege and honour to host this workshop organized by the Association of Academic Registrars of Universities in Kenya. Thank you for choosing Kabarak University as your preferred venue for the workshop.

Kabarak University was founded by H.E Hon. Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, the Second President of the Republic of Kenya and the First Chancellor of the University, whose vision was to build a reputable Christian Liberal Arts, Science and Technology University. The University was granted the Letter of Interim Authority by the Government of Kenya through the Commission for Higher Education on 16th October 2000, therefore allowing the institution to award degrees. The University opened its doors to the first students in September 2002. On 16th May, 2008 the University was awarded the Charter by the Third President of the Republic of Kenya, His Excellency Hon. Mwai Kibaki, CGH, making it a fully-fledged accredited University.

We have seven (7) schools offering 107 academic programs ranging from certificate, diploma, undergraduate degrees, masters degrees, and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs. The programs are offered in:

  1. The School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences;
  2. The School of Business and Economics;
  3. The School of Law;
  4. The School of Medicine and Health Sciences;
  5. The School of Music and Performing Arts;
  6. The School of Pharmacy; and
  7. The School of Science, Engineering and Technology.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have the following directorates and institute:

  1. Directorate of Excellence in Learning and Teaching
  2. Directorate of Quality Assurance and Institutional Planning
  3. Kabarak University Online
  4. Directorate of Research, Innovation, and Outreach
  5. Institute for Post-Graduate Studies

To support our research activities, we have established the following centres:

  1. Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  2. Centre for Innovation and Business Incubation
  3. Centre for Health Informatics
  4. Centre for Legal Aid and Clinical Legal Education
  5. African Centre for Governance, Leadership and Ethics
  6. Centre for Alternative Justice Systems

Ladies and gentlemen, this workshop's theme is Navigating the Future: A Platform for Innovative Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape of University Administration. This theme calls for Academic Registrars to be flexible and innovative in adjusting to new trends and changes within the field of higher education.

I appreciate the role played by Academic Registrars in our universities. Some of these roles include but are not limited to:

  • Smooth running of academic programs and activities;
  • Quality assurance;
  • Custody of academic documents and records;
  • Formulation of academic policies and regulations;
  • Implementation of Senate and Management resolutions;
  • Compliance with requirements from regulatory bodies and stakeholders.

Ladies and gentlemen, given the critical positions you hold in our institutions, it is paramount that you uphold certain qualities for your success and the success of your universities: Some of the indispensable qualities are:

  • Integrity: As Academic Registrars, you handle sensitive issues such as the processing of academic certificates and transcripts. This is an activity that requires transparency and honesty. The issue of fake certificates has become a major epidemic in our country. We must be in the forefront in the battle to eliminate this scourge.
  • Keen Eye and Attention to Details: Academic registrars should have hawk eyes, meticulous and thorough in every sphere of your duties.
  • Willing to learn: Academic Registrars should be all rounded persons and versatile in handling the emerging, Competency-Based Education, legal issues, digital transformation, data analytics, and Artificial Intelligence in higher education. I am pleased to know that some of those issues will be addressed in this workshop.
  • Compliance: Academic Registrars should be able to comply with Relevant Stakeholders, Regulatory bodies, and Other Statutory Bodies to provide quality academic products and services.They should also ensure that legal issues, such as data protection, student rights, etc., are addressed to avoid court cases. Cases such as missing marks and mistreatment of students have led to court issues. This is not only costly but also damages an academic institution's image.
  • Innovation and creativity: Academic Registrars should create an atmosphere for staff and students to be creative and innovative. They should also be creative and innovative. Think of Corona virus. Most universities closed for a while due to the pandemic. Only those who were creative and innovative were able to continue with teaching and research.
  • Passion for quality: Academic Registrars should ensure that quality products (academic programs) and quality services are delivered to students and stakeholders.

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that this workshop will afford you the opportunity for network with one another and thereby gain further insights for the betterment of academic leadership in our universities.

With those few remarks, it is my honour to declare this workshop officially opened.

With the workshop officially opened, it is now my honour to invite my co-patron, Prof Mary Ndungu, Vice-Chancellor, Kirinyaga University, to make her remarks.


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