Speech by Professor Henry K. Kiplangat, Vice-Chancellor, Kabarak University, to New Staff Members, Monday, May 20, 2024.

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Kabarak University. I am Prof. Henry K. Kiplangat the Vice Chancellor of Kabarak University.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (A & F), Prof. Ronald Chepkilot;

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (A & R), Prof. John Ochola;

Ag. Provost, Rev. Justus Mutuku;

Registrar (A & HR), Prof. Simon Kipchumba;

Registrar (A & R), Dr. Antony Somba;

University Librarian, Mrs. Patricia Chebet;

Finance Manager, Mr. Gideon Langat;

Dean of Students, Dr. Dorcas Githaiga;

Academic Deans;


Members of Staff;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Kabarak University. I am Prof. Henry K. Kiplangat the Vice Chancellor of Kabarak University.

We are delighted to have you all here as part of our team, whether you are joining us as an academic or a non-academic staff member we all serve a vital role when it comes to creating a good learning experience for our students. Congratulations on becoming part of our community!

As a new staff member, you join a team of dedicated and professional individuals committed to the success of our students and the University. From the moment a parent or guardian entrusts their child to our care, our goal is to provide an exceptional educational experience.

Your skills and talents will be a valuable addition to our team, and I look forward to working with each of you. Therefore, I urge all of us to always strive for excellence and as the word of God says in Colossians 3:23; Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, rather than for men.

Seminar Objectives

The purpose of this Orientation Seminar is to introduce you to our culture, policies, and procedures, ensuring your confidence in your new role, thus enhancing your performance, integration and alignment with the University’s goals. The specific objectives of this seminar include:

  1. To enable you to appreciate the history of Kabarak University;
  2. To sensitize you on the vision, mission and goals of the University;
  3. To enable you, to appreciate the structure and policies of the University;
  4. To sensitize you on ISO 9001:2015;
  5. To enable you to understand your roles in the University;
  6. To sensitize you on the existing resources, particularly library resources;
  7. To enable you to understand how to integrate faith and learning in your teaching and work;
  8. To sensitize you on the need for excellence in all aspects of the University; and
  9. To enable you to develop positive working connections and relationships with your colleagues.


Brief History of the University

Kabarak University was founded in the year 2000 by the visionary 2nd President of Kenya and our founding Chancellor, H.E. the late Hon. Daniel T. Arap Moi. It stands as a testament to his commitment to establishing a Christian University that offers quality education grounded in strong moral principles.

The Founder believed that education was the key to national development hence it was important for Kenya to have quality institutions of higher learning. He established Kabarak University to create a centre of excellence in education, where students could receive a comprehensive education based on strong Biblical principles that would prepare them for sound leadership roles in the world. H.E. the Late Hon Daniel Toroitich arap Moi demonstrated his commitment to being mindful of others and to working towards the betterment of humanity, reflecting the essence of Philippians 2:3-4:“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your interests but also to the interests of others.”On 16th May 2008, the University was awarded its Charter by the 3rd President of Kenya, H.E. Mwai Kibaki.


The University operates two (2) campuses; the Main Campus and the Nakuru City Campus which houses our TVET Institute. The TVET Institute was registered in January 2021 under the TVET Act, 2013 Section 20 (1).


The University comprises seven (7) schools:

  1. School of Business & Economics;
  2. School of Education, Humanities & Social Sciences;
  3. School of Law;
  4. School of Medicine & Health Sciences;
  5. School of Music & Media;
  6. School of Pharmacy; and
  7. School of Science, Engineering & Technology.

Kabarak University operates under the regulatory framework of the Commission for University Education (CUE), which accredits all degree programs within the university sector. Currently, the university boasts a diverse array of Ninety (90) academic programs, encompassing:

  1. Six (6) Ph.D programmes;
  2. Twenty-one (21) Master’s degree programmes;
  3. Thirty-two (32) Undergraduate degree programmes;
  4. Twenty-six (26) Diploma programmes; and
  5. Five (5) Certificate programmes.

This extensive academic offering caters to a student population of 11,860, cutting across all academic levels and schools. During our 19th Graduation ceremony, we proudly conferred degrees upon 1,866 graduates.

Complementing our academic endeavours, Kabarak University operates the following Directorates and Institutes:

  1. Directorate of Excellence in Learning and Teaching (DELT);
  2. Directorate of Quality Assurance and Institutional Planning (QAIP);
  3. Directorate of Kabarak University Online (KABUO);
  4. Directorate of Research, Innovation, and Outreach (DRIO);
  5. Institute for Post-Graduate Studies; and
  6. Office of the UNESCO Chairholder.

Our Vision is to become a centre of academic excellence founded on Biblical Christian values.

Our Mission (which echoes this commitment)is to provide holistic quality education, research and community outreach based on Biblical Christian values.

Our Core Values are:

  1. Integrity: Uphold honesty and strong moral principles in all decisions and actions;
  2. Professionalism: Ensure, maintain and excel high standards in the discharge of responsibility and delivery of services;
  3. Patriotism: Inculcate a sense of national identity;
  4. Innovativeness: Adopt, create and utilize appropriate technology to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery; and
  5. Being mindful of others: Care for and support others.

Our Core Values serve as our labels and our guiding principles, they provide a shared understanding of what we value as an institution and define our institution's desired culture. To strengthen our values, our Moral Code from 1st Peter 3:15 urges us as members of the Kabarak University family to purpose at all times and in all places to set apart in our heart Jesus Christ as Lord.

Biblical Perspective

As I had indicated earlier, it was precisely the vision of our founder, the late President Moi, that Kabarak University be grounded in the teachings of the Bible. To fulfil his vision, we are dedicated to the integration of faith in our daily operations and in all areas of service. In line with this commitment, all our classes and work meetings begin and end with prayer. In teaching, faculty provide a biblical perspective on the courses they teach, across all disciplines. Kabarak University further strengthens its spiritual fabric by holding a University-wide chapel service every Wednesday from 11:30 am at the Convocation Hall. I urge you all to always take part in this chapel service.

Strategic Plan

The University is guided by a strategic plan (2022 – 2026). It is the 4th plan since the inception of the University and its main objective is to direct the growth of the University to the next level of excellence. We aspire to cultivate a future marked by self-sustainability, commitment to national development, and service to the Kingdom of God. The University’s programmes have therefore been developed to deliver the goals of the Strategic Plan while meeting the quality standards within the region and beyond and addressing the demands of the market and industry.

Key Objectives include:

  1. To enhance the quality and quantity of learning and teaching;
  2. To enhance library services and resources; 
  3. To optimize the capacity of faculty and students to undertake high-impact research, innovation and outreach;
  4. To strengthen the physical, spiritual and mental well-being of the students;
  5. To strengthen quality assurance, governance and administration;
  6. To enhance the reliability and resilience of ICT services and infrastructure;
  7. To achieve and sustain financial stability in the University; and
  8. To provide and maintain quality and adequate Human Resources and Physical Infrastructure.

Governance Structure

The University is governed by the following organs:

  1. The Board of Trustees - Appoints the Governing Council;
  2. The Governing Council - Policy-making body;
  3. The Management Board - Responsible for the day-to-day running of the University, under the Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor;
  4. Senate - Deals with academic matters of the University; and under the Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor;
  5. Student Council- Runs the student association/ organization.


Our Achievements

The University has already carved its niche in this region as a Center of Excellence in various fields, including Business and Economics, Law, Medicine and Health Sciences, Education, Science, Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy, Music and Media. In addition, Kabarak runs the following centres aimed at furthering innovation and societal impact:

  1. Centre for Innovation and Business Incubation;
  2. Centre for Health Informatics;
  3. Centre for Legal Aid and Clinical Legal Education;
  4. African Centre for Governance, Leadership and Ethics; and
  5. Centre for Alternative Justice Systems.

These centres serve as hubs of expertise and collaboration, driving advancements in their respective fields and contributing to the University's broader mission of academic excellence and societal development.

As we continue our commitment to excellence in research, I encourage each of you to take advantage of valuable platforms that enhance your academic visibility such as Research Gate, Google Scholar, Academia.edu, and others which gives you a global stage for sharing your research papers, conference presentations, and other scholarly works. Additionally, I highly recommend obtaining an ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. An ORCID is a unique identifier specifically designed for researchers and scholars. This ID allows you to easily link your publications, grants, affiliations, and other professional activities to your profile. This not only streamlines your academic portfolio but also ensures proper attribution and recognition for your scholarly contributions. Furthermore, embracing these tools enhances our University’s reputation. Increased visibility of our faculty's research activities can improve our institution's reputation and potentially elevate our rankings. Therefore, by actively participating in these platforms, we collectively contribute to the advancement of both our careers and the overall standing of our University.


Staff Development

Our current staff population stands at 605 comprising of 209 teaching staff and 396 non-teaching staff. Enhancing the current competencies of employees and cultivating new skills holds significant importance in driving the comprehensive advancement of the University. While the University will continue to support staff through training, within the confines of the available resources, I encourage you to take the initiative to voluntarily exploit any development opportunities that would enhance your performance and contribute to our collective success. As Stephen Covey noted:  "Personal development is a lifelong process, "emphasizing the importance of self-assessment, goal-setting, and realizing one's potential. The word of God also emphasizes the importance of pursuing knowledge and continuous learning, Proverbs 18:15 states The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. ”This verse implies that wisdom is not something we have naturally, rather it is a treasure we need to actively seek and acquire throughout our lives.

I also encourage you to engage in a variety of co-curricular activities available within the university, including participation in the university choir, and mentorship programs, among others. Additionally, I encourage you to serve in committees/task forces or any other duties whenever called upon. Take note that we have recreational facilities such as the sports field and swimming pool. In addition, you may consider subscribing to the gym facilities at the neighbouring Lake Bogoria Spa Resort-Kabarak. These activities shall foster your personal growth and well-being.



Teamwork is paramount, as it enables us to achieve tasks efficiently, improve relations, and foster accountability. It provides a platform for participation, unleashes talents, appreciates diversity, and facilitates knowledge transfer between experienced and new staff members. Just as Paul wrote in Romans 12:4-6, each member brings unique gifts, contributing to the collective success of the team.

(Romans 12:4-6, Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.”)

Given the significant time we spend with colleagues at work, they become integral to our journey. I therefore challenge you to foster mutual support and build meaningful relationships, while always keeping in mind our shared mission and vision.

As you settle into your roles, I encourage you to be creative, and innovative, and reflect on how we can leverage our strengths to position Kabarak as a leading institution. In addition, familiarize yourselves with departmental procedures to ensure compliance with ISO standards.

It is my prayer that your time at Kabarak will be fulfilling, both professionally and spiritually.

With that, I officially declare this Orientation Seminar opened.

Thank you and God bless you.


Prof. Henry K. Kiplagat, PhD, MBS, OGW

Vice Chancellor

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Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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