Goal of the Programme

The role of the pharmacist globally has shifted from dispensing to pharmaceutical care in collaboration with other health professionals in order to improve treatment outcomes. The goal of Bachelor of Pharmacy program is to train pharmacy graduates who will work in a wide variety of settings including: Community, Hospital, Research & development, Academia, Pharmacy regulatory systems, Pharmaceutical business industry, and Non-pharmaceutical settings.


Minimum Admission Requirements

KCSE B- (Minus) with C+ in Mathematics/Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English /Kiswahili; OR Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology and KCSE C+.


Expected Learning Outcomes

The graduates of this program will be adequately prepared to perform the following roles and functions:

  1. Provision of curative, promotive and preventive healthcare and pharmaceutical services
  2. Perform in co-ordination of activities related to pharmaceutical production, quality assurance and dispensing at all levels of health care delivery.
  3. Participation in research and training of pharmaceutical and other healthcare personnel. 

Other Details

Campus: Main Campus
Tuition Fees per Semester:

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from Nakuru City CBD, along the Nakuru – Eldama Ravine road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

Admissions Inquiry: admissions@kabarak.ac.ke
General Inquiry: info@kabarak.ac.ke
ICT HelpDesk: icthelpdesk@kabarak.ac.ke
Accomodation: accommodation@kabarak.ac.ke

General Inquiry: 0729223370
Admissions: 0202114658
Student Finance: 254705184373
Accommodation: 254773552932 
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