How ADR can strengthen trade relationships among African countries under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Silas Eugene Oloo[1] Introduction According to Thomas Crum, how we handle conflict determines the quality of our lives, not whether we have it or not.[2] On the diverse and resource-rich African continent, trade has traditionally offered both possibilities and challenges.[3] Building good commercial partnerships across borders has proven to be a ch...

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  344 Hits

The Court as a safeguard: A case review of Technoservice Limited v Nokia Corporation and International Chamber of Commerce

By Rebecca Andeso[1] Introduction Arbitration's design, structure, and architecture serve as an alternative to litigation, offering a private and flexible way to resolve disputes. Judicial intervention in arbitration has historically been circumscribed to specific domains, including the appointment of arbitrators, issuance of stay proceedings, gran...

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  391 Hits

Reflections by Honourable Chief Justice Martha Koome on the ADR-ODR International’s Dispute Resolution Week held on 12th November 2024, Dubai on the theme: ‘ADR in Africa: challenges and opportunities’

As we gather to reflect on the expanding role of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), it is essential to recognise that Africa is uniquely positioned to shape the future of dispute resolution. This is not merely about adopting a global trend but about revitalising a time-honored tradition and creating innovative frameworks catering to Africa's gro...

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  666 Hits

Mediation in the Olkaria IV Geothermal Project: Balancing Development and Indigenous Rights

By Darryl Isabel[1]IntroductionThe Olkaria IV Geothermal Project hailed as one of the largest geothermal projects in Africa, was supposed to be a groundbreaking step for Kenya's renewable energy goals.[2] However, what began as a beacon of clean energy soon became a flashpoint for conflict as the Maasai community living around Olkaria was displaced...

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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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