Center for Health Informatics


The Kabarak University Center for Health Informatics was established in 2021 with the following objectives:

  1. To establish multidisciplinary research activities in health informatics.
  2. To attract grants for research and innovation in health informatics.
  3. To establish partnerships with industry for research and innovation in health informatics.
  4. To develop and offer professional short courses in health informatics.
  5. To develop and launch academic programs in Health Informatics.


The Team

  1. Dr Moses M Thiga, Senior Lecturer, School of Science, Engineering and Technology
  2. Dr Pamela Kimeto, Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine and Health Sciences
  3. Ms Doris Kibiwott, Lecturer, School of Medicine and Health Sciences
  4. Ms Laura Cheptegei, Lecturer, School of Science, Engineering and Technology

Ongoing activities


Early detection of pre-eclampsia using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring using wearable devices and Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM-NN) on the edge

Early Prediction of Pre-eclampsia Using Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM-NN) on the Edge and Effectiveness of Low Dose Aspirin and Calcium as prophylaxis.

eHealth for Universal Maternal Health Coverage in Underserved Counties and Vulnerable Population Groups in Kenya.

Collaborators - Strathmore University, Intellisoft Consulting, Emed Solutions and Technical University of Mombasa

The Kabarak University Center for Health Informatics, in collaboration with Google Health, Intellisoft Consulting and HealthIT, is pleased to announce a series of upcoming events. These events include webinars, boot camps, and hackathons, all aimed at introducing participants to the essential concepts and tools necessary for building cutting-edge digital health applications.
One of the primary focuses of these events will be an introduction to the Open Health Stack (OHS), a powerful platform for developing innovative health solutions. Additionally, developers will have the opportunity to hone their skills by building FHIR-based solutions with OHS, gaining valuable hands-on experience in the process.


Contributing to evidence-based decision making by health stakeholders in Kenya though supporting the deployment and utilization of Health information Systems. Collaborators - County Government of Nakuru and County Government of Baringo.

Development of a framework for assessing and addressing ethical issues in Healthcare Machine Learning projects. The project is funded by the Notre Dame-IBM Tech Ethics Lab.

Collaborators - National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation

Development of an Integrated Clinical Trial and Machine Leaning Operations Model for Artificial Intelligence Projects in Healthcare.

Capacity building

Training Needs Assessment for professional short courses and academic programs – Ongoing.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from Nakuru City CBD, along the Nakuru – Eldama Ravine road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

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