University News and Updates

Kabarak University Welcomes New Team with Comprehensive Orientation Program for Trainers and Staff

Kabarak University kicked off its comprehensive orientation program today, warmly welcoming a new cohort of staff members and trainers from both the university and its TVET Institute. Held at the Kabarak University Online (KABUO) facility, the program featured presentations from various departments, schools, directors, and senior management. Professor Henry Kiplagat, the Vice-Chancellor, led the day’s proceedings.

Participants were introduced to Kabarak University’s rich history, mission, and core values, gaining a deeper understanding of what makes the institution unique. They also explored the wide range of academic programs offered by the university and the practical vocational training opportunities available through the TVET Institute. Additionally, the session highlighted student life and the university’s dedication to supporting the overall well-being of both staff and students.

Professor Kiplagat reiterated the university’s ambitious vision of becoming a top-tier institution, encompassing both its academic and vocational training divisions. He emphasized the importance of collaboration across the Kabarak University community, urging new staff and trainers to contribute their talents and dedication toward achieving this shared goal.

“Teamwork is paramount,” the Vice-Chancellor stated. “It enables us to accomplish tasks efficiently, strengthen relationships, and foster accountability. It provides a platform for participation, unleashes talent, appreciates diversity, and facilitates knowledge transfer between experienced and new staff members. As Paul wrote in Romans 12:4-6, each member brings unique gifts, contributing to the collective success of the team.”

Professor Kiplagat also acknowledged the new international faculty members from Tanzania, Nigeria, and Rwanda, underscoring Kabarak University’s commitment to serving not only the nation but also inspiring students to meet global standards.

This comprehensive orientation session marks the beginning of a new chapter for the incoming staff members and trainers as they integrate into the Kabarak University community. Equipped with a deeper understanding of the university’s culture, shared vision, and the distinct operations of both the university and TVET Institute, they are now well-prepared to play a pivotal role in shaping Kabarak University’s future success.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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