Kabarak School of Law News & EVENTS

Kabarak Law Review Volume 3: Reflecting on 60 years of the Kenyan republic

In 1964 the Republic of Kenya was born. Morris Mbondenyi and John Ambani define a true republic as one where the people play a predominant role in governance, being the source from which governmental authority flows from and that the government is meant to serve their welfare. 60 years later, the question of whether Kenya has truly lived up to the essence of republicanism hangs in the air.

In our upcoming issue of the Kabarak Law Review, we are delving deep into Kenya's journey toward republicanism, scrutinising its progress over the past sixty (60) years. We are not just reflecting; we're dissecting, analysing, and challenging perceptions. The issue aims to dissect the trajectory of republicanism in Kenya by scrutinising the evolution of the imperial presidency to gauging the vitality of public participation in recent legislative endeavors, our goal is to unravel the complexities that define our nation's governance.

Beyond Kenya, we explore African republicanism on a continental scale, drawing comparisons, and seeking insights from the ideas of Mahmood Mamdani and George Ayittey. The call for papers also reflects on the spirit of a republic in relation to countries such as Haiti and Liberia. The sub-themes that will be focused on include:

  1. A critical appraisal of Kenya’s growth as a republic for sixty years.
  2. An analysis of the imperial presidency from 1964-2024.
  3. An analysis of African republicanism in comparative African jurisdictions.
  4. Whether Kenya has achieved the public-participation tenet of a true republic in the recent legislations enacted by the parliament.
  5. An analysis of devolution in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 in achieving republicanism.

Intellectual contributions to the Kabarak Law Review Vol 3 (2024) which will aid greatly in the success of the upcoming issue are immensely welcomed. The new issue will be divided into two (2) main categories:

  1. Full-length articles
  2. Short commentaries

The deadline for full-length articles is the midnight of 30 April 2024 while the deadline for the other contributions is the midnight of 31 July 2024. The call for papers contains more information about the guidelines for submissions and other relevant details. You can access it here: Call for Papers

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