School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences

Kabarak University Hosts 2024 International Mother Language Day Celebration

Kabarak University, in collaboration with the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, proudly kicked off the 2024 International Mother Language Day with a Pre-Celebration Conference. Prof. Henry K. Kiplangat, the Vice-Chancellor, highlighted the importance of multilingual education in fostering inclusivity, preserving cultural heritage, enhancing digital literacy, and ensuring no one is left behind.

The event brought together esteemed guests, including Madam Evaline Owoko from the Ministry of Education, Ms. Nancy Macharia from the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, and distinguished Keynote Speakers Prof. Felicia Yieke from Laikipia University and Dr. Zipporah Okoth from KCA University.

The Vice-Chancellor acknowledged the challenges, particularly the mismatch between home languages and school languages, impacting global education systems. He praised UNESCO's efforts and Kabarak University's commitment to championing intergenerational learning.

With a commitment to creating a world where every language is valued, every culture is respected, and every learner thrives, Prof. Kiplangat officially opened the 2024 International Mother Language Day Pre-Celebration Conference, setting the stage for a two-day celebration of linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.

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