Kabarak University's Special Wednesday: A Heartfelt Finalist Farewell Filled with Faith and Celebration

On this fine Wednesday, a curious phenomenon unfolded at Kabarak University — Special Wednesday. No, it wasn’t a public holiday or a flash mob gone rogue. It was the day our finalists decided to trade their books for a bit of pomp and pageantry, celebrating the bittersweet reality that their time at Kabarak was drawing to a close.

These soon-to-be graduates once arrived as wide-eyed youngsters, clutching their admission letters with a mix of hope and fear, wondering if they could survive university life without their parents' cooking. Fast forward to today, and Kabarak University has transformed them into journalists who can sniff out stories faster than you can say "deadline," lawyers who can debate their way out of a parking ticket, teachers who can make even calculus sound exciting, pharmacists who know more about chemistry than Walter White, nurses with hearts big enough to care for the world, engineers who can build bridges (both literal and metaphorical), ICT professionals who speak fluent binary, and business moguls in the making.

But it wasn’t all about the celebrations. As is tradition, the chapel service included Holy Communion, reminding everyone that while they came to Kabarak to pursue knowledge, they also found a spiritual home. The air was thick with reverence (and perhaps a few silent prayers for job offers) as students reflected on the journey that had shaped them into the professionals they are today.

Special Wednesday wasn’t just about the end; it was about the beginning. These graduates-to-be are now ready to take on the world, armed with knowledge, faith, and the ability to survive on instant noodles during exam week.

Go forth, Kabarak Class of 2025—the world awaits your brilliance.

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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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