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No Summit Too High: Transforming Dreams into Rewarding Careers at Kabarak University Career Talk

In a powerful and inspiring career talk held at Kabarak University on Friday, July 21st, 2023, the theme "Transforming Dreams to Rewarding Careers" resonated with every young mind in the audience. Addressing the students, faculty members, and esteemed guests, Dr. Faith Linge, the Chief guest and a Kabarak University alumnus, emphasized the significance of embracing passions, recognizing strengths, and nurturing aspirations to shape a remarkable journey towards success.

She began with a reminder of the immense potential held within each young individual. The students were encouraged to believe in themselves and dream big, for their aspirations were not limited by any summit too high. Quoting John Lewis, she emphasized that the future lies in the hands of the youth, and it is their beliefs and visions that make them a powerful force.

Highlighting the importance of keeping an open mind, she acknowledged the rapid changes in the world, which bring forth countless new and exciting opportunities. Embracing innovation and change was encouraged, as they hold the keys to a future filled with promise and potential.

The students were reminded that their dreams and aspirations would shape their career paths. Pursuing one's passion was encouraged as the guiding light that would lead them to joy and fulfillment. Her own journey, starting as a shopkeeper in a small village and reaching the heights of the financial industry, served as a testament to the power of passion and determination.

The importance of teamwork, adaptability, and self-discipline were stressed as essential traits for success in the academic and professional realm. Moreover, the students were urged to choose excellence as a way of life and to seek professional certifications that would open doors to their desired careers.

Practical advice was given to students who had already taken the KCSE examinations, urging them to research higher learning institutions that offer courses matching their dreams and qualifications. She exemplified this by being a certified investment and financial analyst and a member of the Institute of Certified Financial Analysts.

Throughout the talk, the recurring message was that no dream is too ambitious to achieve. Through determination, hard work, and faith in oneself and a higher power, the students were assured that they could conquer any challenge that life or their career paths might present.

In closing, the students were reminded that their future is in their own hands, and the choices they make now will lay the foundation for a meaningful and rewarding life ahead. She extended heartfelt wishes for success and prosperity to each one of them, encouraging them to hold onto their dreams and passions, and to make wise decisions along their journey.

With the words, "No Summit is Too High!" echoing in their hearts, the students left the career talk with renewed determination to transform their dreams into rewarding careers. Armed with newfound inspiration and guidance, they were ready to embark on the exciting adventure that lay ahead, confident that their dreams, their passion, and their unwavering faith would lead them to the highest peaks of success.

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