Kabarak University Students Excel at the 24th Session of the Kenya Model United Nations Second Mock Debate

On November 9, 2024, sixty of our Kabarak University Model United Nations (KMUN) delegates embarked on an early morning journey to Kenyatta University for the Second Mock Debate of the 24th KMUN session. The trip began at 4:30 a.m., with a spirited stop at Safari Centre Naivasha for breakfast, energizing our team and setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Our early arrival placed us among the first to reach the Kenyatta University Main Campus, allowing our delegates to settle in and prepare for an enriching day of debate, collaboration, and learning.

Upon arrival, our delegates were directed to the main hall, where KMUN Secretary-General Mumo officially launched the event. Delegates from across the country dispersed into plenary sessions across various committees and organs, each tackling critical global issues. Kabarak University’s delegation was well represented in several key organs:

  • General Assembly (GA): 22 delegates
  • International Law Commission (ILC): 13 delegates
  • International Court of Justice (ICJ): 6 mooters
  • Inaugural ICJ Advisory Sitting: 8 delegates

Our delegates made an impressive impact in the General Assembly, actively participating in committees such as SOCHUM, Crisis, ECOSOC, WHO, and UNEP. They demonstrated a deep understanding of global issues, articulating ideas with clarity and confidence. The mock debate offered valuable exposure for many of our new members, whose dedication and enthusiasm were noted by attendees and judges alike. The performance of our delegates left an encouraging impression, with special mentions awarded to Patricia Saurei, Rosemary Karanja, and Joan Adhiambo for their outstanding contributions.

In the International Court of Justice, led by President Kelvin Musyimi and his deputy, Ibraoty Baraza, Kabarak delegates excelled in the preliminary rounds. After extensive research and drafting detailed ‘memorials,’ our team demonstrated their eloquence and expertise in a virtual session. Although they narrowly missed the finals, their success in qualifying for the advanced rounds has fueled their motivation for upcoming debates. Continued training will ensure even greater accomplishments in the future.

Chaired by Dennis Onyango and Deputy Chair Joyce Mwende, the International Law Commission saw impressive engagement from our first-year members, who showed remarkable skill and dedication to international law. Their participation highlighted not only an increased interest in legal frameworks but also an inspiring level of preparedness and professionalism. The contributions from first-year students, including Pereso Cornelius, Grace Mutuku, and Sherine Chepkirui, reflect a promising new generation committed to excellence in international law.

While the late distribution of invitation letters from the National Secretariat posed a minor challenge, it did not dampen the spirits of our team. The mock debate provided our delegates with a platform to refine their skills, deepen their understanding of global issues, and expand their professional networks. Their dedication and performance underscore the potential within our university’s Model United Nations community, promising even greater achievements in future debates.

We extend our sincere gratitude to the Kabarak University administration for their unwavering support, particularly to the Director of Clubs and esteemed patron Pr. Esther Kapsir. Their encouragement has been instrumental to our growth and success. Special thanks go to our delegates and organizers, whose hard work continues to elevate our university's presence on national and international platforms.

As the day concluded, our team returned to Nakuru, arriving safely at 10:00 p.m. after a well-deserved supper in Naivasha. We look forward to building on the momentum from this event, further strengthening Kabarak University’s impact within the Model United Nations community.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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