Student Leaders Commissioned in Uplifting Chapel Service

A vibrant and uplifting chapel service filled with colorful presentations, reflective moments, and joyful celebration took place today, as student leaders from various academic disciplines were formally commissioned.

The newly appointed leaders, representing diverse fields such as business, education, medicine, law, music, pharmacy, and science & technology, received their official charge and responsibilities. They were encouraged to collaborate effectively with the central student organization to represent their peers and enhance the university community.

The service offered a period of spiritual reflection, highlighted by a thoughtful meditation led by the University Chaplain. The event concluded with a benediction from a senior university official, who offered words of encouragement to the new leaders. The official emphasized the importance of unified leadership, mutual support, and collaboration with the university administration and the entire student body. The leaders were urged to work together to foster a positive and enriching experience for everyone.

The university and its community anticipate a positive and impactful future under their leadership.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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