Kabarak University Student Organisation (KUSO)

First Among Equals: President Kokeyo Charts a Unified Path for Kabarak University

Pravin Forester Kokeyo, the newly sworn-in KUSO President, took the stage during the Kabarak University weekly Wednesday chapel to deliver his first message as the 2024 Kabarak university student president. His statement, "I'm not cut out from a different cloth but I only became the first among equals," encapsulates a leadership philosophy built on inclusivity and unity.

The phrase, "I'm not cut out from a different cloth but I only became the first among equals," echoes a commitment to collaborative leadership with his cabinet. President Kokeyo emphasized that the strength of the KUSO team lies in the shared fabric of the student body, where each member is essential and valued equally.

In outlining his vision for Kabarak University, President Kokeyo issued a call to action: "Let’s Engage, Empower & Elevate the great Kabarak." This triad of principles signifies a commitment to active involvement, empowerment of every student, and the collective effort to elevate the university to new heights.

As President Kokeyo assumes his role, the emphasis on being "the first among equals" sets a tone of unity and collaboration. It symbolizes a leadership style that values each member of the KUSO team and the entire Kabarak University Family. Together, under President Kokeyo's guidance, they embark on a journey to engage, empower, and elevate the greatness of Kabarak.

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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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