Kabarak University Student Organisation (KUSO)

Kabarak Decides: A New Era of KUSO Leadership

The Kabarak University Bethel Auditorium buzzed with excitement and pride today as the newly elected Kabarak University Student Organization (KUSO) leaders were officially unveiled. The election, overseen by the University Election Board chaired by Dr. Richard Kagia, was conducted with efficiency, fairness, and transparency, under the supervision of university management and the ICT Department. The results reflect the students' choices for their representatives across both the Main and City campuses.

The following students were elected from the Main Campus:

  • Director of Sports and Recreation (Male): Emmanuel Kibiwott
  • Director of Hostels and Accommodation: Felix Anungo
  • Director of Clubs and Societies: Marangu Faith Nkatha
  • Director of Social Affairs (Female): Michelle Okeyo
  • Director of Sports and Recreation (Female): Nzioka Mbenge Elizabeth
  • Director of Catering and Health Science: Ngeywa Owen
  • Director of Social Affairs (Male): Victor Otieno

The City Campus elected the following leaders:

  • Director of Academics and Library Affairs: Kelly Kiprono Rutto
  • Director of Sports, Social Affairs, and Clubs (Male): Ian Kipsang Chongwony
  • Director of Sports, Social Affairs, and Clubs (Female): Irene Akoth Mboya
  • Director of Spiritual Affairs: Theophilus Kipngetich Bett

The inauguration of these new leaders marks an important moment for Kabarak University's student body. These individuals have been entrusted with the responsibility of representing their fellow students and ensuring their voices are heard. The university community looks forward to their leadership and anticipates a productive year of collaboration and positive change. 

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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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