Notices and Announcements

KUSO 2022/2023 Election Guidelines and Timelines

Following the dissolution of the KUSO council, the Kabarak University Electoral Commission would like to bring the following to the attention of all eligible voters and candidates in the upcoming student elections. 

January 2023 Semester Academic Calendar

September 2022 Semester (15 Weeks): Blended E-Learning Programs/ Regular Programs

School of Science, Technology and Engineering Provisional Graduation List

''Kindly confirm that your name is on the list: Incase of any problem URGENTLY consult with the office of the Dean on or before Tuesday November 22,2022.''

Job Vacancy: Lecturer in Agriculture

Kabarak University invites applications from interested and suitably qualified candidates to fill this position within the University. The University is a Christian Institution committed to Christian Biblical principles and values and the succ...

Hostels Advance Bookings for January-April 2023

Our advance booking for the semester JANUARY- APRIL 2023 will be from 1st to 31st December, 2022. Advance booking is done on full payment of accommodation fee.

Long Holiday Calendar for Year 2023

This is to notify all staff and students that the following cohort of Government-sponsored students will be expected to proceed on long holiday in September Semester 2023. This cohort is comprised as follows:

Job Vacancy: Biology Laboratory Technician/ Technologist

Kabarak University invites applications from interested and suitably qualified candidates to fill this position within the University. The University is a Christian Institution committed to Christian Biblical principles and values and the succ...

September 2022 Semester (15 weeks): Blended E-Learning Programs/ Online Programs/ Regular Programs

*Part-time programs will be offered through the Blended E-Learning mode Dates Activities 1st -9th September ERP System open for new students to register online 5th - 9th September New students repor...

Project Re-Examination Fee

TO:       All Postgraduate Students               SUBJECT:     Project Re-Examination Fee   This is to no...

Release of Examination Results for May Semester, 2022

The University Senate has approved the examination results for May Semester 2022. Students can access the results through the Student Portal with effect from Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 8 AM.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from Nakuru City CBD, along the Nakuru – Eldama Ravine road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

Admissions Inquiry:
General Inquiry:
ICT HelpDesk:

General Inquiry: 0729223370
Admissions: 0202114658
Student Finance: 254705184373
Accommodation: 254773552932 
Emergency Hotline: