Research News & Updates

Marking Menstrual Hygiene Day

Menstrual Hygiene Day is a global initiative that aims to raise awareness about the importance of menstrual hygiene management. Kabarak University's Outreach and Linkages function is making a significant impact on the lives of young girls thro...

Innovation and Business Incubation Center - Capacity Building Programs

The concept of innovation is one that is currently not well understood among many current and potential innovators. The term has been used in ways that have made it synonymous with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). As a result,...

Next Gen Digital Health with Open Health Stack Webinar Series, Bootcamp and Hackathon

The Kabarak University Center for Health Informatics, in collaboration with Google Health, Intellisoft Consulting and HealthIT, is pleased to announce a series of upcoming events. These events include webinars, boot camps, and hackathons, all ...

Empowering Students at the 7th Annual Career Fair: Kabarak University and Kabarak TVETs Inspire Future Leaders

Kabarak University and Kabarak TVETs were honored to participate in the 7th Annual Career Fair held at Vanessa Grant Girls School in Rongai Town, Nakuru. The event aimed to enlighten students about the vast array of career options available to...

E-Mobility Awareness Event: Towards combating climate change, environmental consciousness, and sustainable mobility

Kabarak University Public Policy Research Analysis Club (KUPPRAC) Club (KUPPRAC), in partnership with Egerton University, had the opportunity to attend the inaugural Electric Vehicle Awareness event held on February 18th, 2023, at Karura Fores...

Peace Ambassadors Kenya - Kabarak Chapter Plants Over 10,000 Trees at MAU Forest to Combat Climate Change

On April 15, 2023, the Peace Ambassadors Kenya (PAK) Kabarak University Chapter, in collaboration with other PAK chapters, including those from Egerton and Multimedia, participated in an environmental conservation activity. The event was organ...

Kabarak University Electronic Voting Information System (EVIS) Wins the Public Service Award at the Connected Summit 2023

The Kabarak University Electronic Voting Information System (EVIS) was awarded the Public Service Award at the Connected 2023 Summit that was held at the Diamonds Leisure Beach & Golf Resort in Diani Mombasa between 2nd - 5th April. The aw...

Kabarak University's Department of Public Health participated in the inaugural International Public Health Conference held in Mombasa County

The field of public health is of the utmost importance in today's society, where health concerns have become increasingly complex and intertwined with environmental issues. In an effort to address these challenges and explore innovative soluti...

Mama’s Hub Featured on Google Checkup

Mama’s hub, an output of the NRF funded project “eHealth for Universal Maternal Health Coverage in Underserved Counties and Vulnerable Population Groups in Kenya”, was featured on the Google Checkup event on 14th March 2023. The system, d...

Developing Data Products for Health: A Successful Health Data Science Hackathon at Kabarak University

The Kabarak University Center for Health Informatics held a three-day Health Data Science Hackathon from Friday, February 17th to Sunday, February 18th, 2023. The event attracted a total of 60 students, organized into 13 teams, with the aim of...

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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