Research News & Updates

Competency in Research, Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development

The KUPPRAC team through Research Innovation and Outreach (RIO) at Kabarak University presented two papers during the 11th Annual International Conference at Eldoret National Polytechnic. The conference themed “Competency in Research, Sciences...

KUPPRAC Debate: Can the Bottom-Up Economic Model be achieved in Kenya?

Kabarak University in collaboration with Laikipia University organized a debate that took place on 23rd September 2022. The event saw two clubs, that is, Kabarak University Public Policy Research and Analysis club (KUPPRAC) and the UNESCO club...

School of Business and Economics International Research Conference

The Kabarak University School of Business and Economics hosted its 12th Annual International Research Conference on the theme of Global trends in trade, investment, and growth today. The keynote speaker paid a courtesy call to the vice-chancel...

School of Music and Media Holds a Two-Day International Research Conference

The Kabarak University School of Music and Media is the youngest formed school which was instituted earlier this year under the leadership of the founding Dean Professor Mellitus Wanyama. The school is currently hosting its 1st two-day Annual ...

Digital Literacy Day-Outreach Activity

Kabarak university in collaboration with Kenya national library, Nakuru, and yes you can, had a digital literacy training day targeting library staff, volunteers, Digital literacy pupil champions, and teachers from selected schools. This was t...

Knowledge transfer and book donation at Baringo Bible College, Kabarnet

Kabarak University, School of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences (Department of Theology & Biblical Studies) on 5th July 2022 visited Baringo Bible college to offer talks on interest areas, strategic ministry areas, and knowledge t...

Breaking into Tech Careers

The GDSC held an online career discussion on Saturday 24th September 2022 from 10:00 am - 12:20 pm. The event was hosted by Michael Wekesa (GDSC Lead) and Sophia Kariuki (GDSC core lead – Social Media and Marketing). The discussions in the for...

Building Back Better policies for Post-COVID Recovery

This year the KABARAK -KIPPRA mentorship program focused on "Kenya’s Potential in Building Back Better in Post COVID-19 to Achieve the Big 4 Agenda". The one-week program attracted participants from various universities including Laikipia Univ...

Kabarak University students Promoting Mental Health

Mental ill-health resulting from stress and depression among teenagers is one of the problems faced by the younger generation. A group of students from Kabarak University is on a mission to promote mental health awareness, as well as helping t...

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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