Research News & Updates

Kabarak University Hosts the 2024 Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Conference

Kabarak University is currently buzzing with excitement as it hosts the 2024 Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Conference in partnership with Kisii University and Dedan Kimathi University of Technology. The event, under the theme "Devel...

Scientific and Ethics Review Training for Kabarak University teaching staff

The Scientific and Ethics Review Training for all teaching staff held at the Kabarak University auditorium was organized by the University Institutional Scientific and Ethics Review Committee (ISERC) to enhance the understanding and practice o...

Kabarak University at the Kenya Innovation Week 2023

A delegation consisting of 6 staff members and 6 students proudly represented our university at the prestigious Kenya Innovation Week (KIW). The annual event is hosted by the Kenya National Innovation Agency at the Edge Convention Center ...

CALL FOR PAPERS: Conference on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, 2024

Kabarak University wishes to call for empirical works and case studies for presentation at the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Conference to be held at Kabarak University on 7th - 9th  February 2024

Empowering the Youth through Digital Commerce: Insights from the 13th Annual International Research Conference On Business, Economics and Commerce

The 13th Annual International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Commerce provided a platform for scholars, experts, and innovators to delve into the theme "Empowering the Youth through Digital Commerce." The event, held at th...

Kabarak University's School of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences 13th Annual Research Conference: Shaping the Future of Education

Kabarak University's School of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences hosted its 13th International Annual Research Conference on 21st Century Education Practices. This prestigious event brought together educators, scholars, and students t...

The 13th Annual International Conference on Music, Film, Media, and Performing Arts for Societal Transformation

Kabarak University's School of Music and Media hosts the 13th Annual International Conference, focusing on the theme "Mainstreaming Music, Film, Media, and Other Performing Arts for Social Development." The conference provides a platform for s...

Exploring Kenya's Transformation Journey: The Kabarak University Public Policy Research and Analysis Club's Participation in the KIPPRA Mentorship Program

In a dynamic world driven by evolving public policies, the Kabarak University Public Policy Research and Analysis Club (KUPPRAC), thanks to the opportunity provided by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Henry Kiplagat, embarked on a knowledge-fill...

Empowering Girls Through Education: Kabarak University's 'Support a Needy Girl to Go to School' Program

Kabarak University staff and students have taken a remarkable step towards supporting the education of underprivileged girls at Kampi ya Moto Secondary School. This noble endeavor, known as the "Support a Needy Girl to Go to School" program, a...

Kabarak University Students Revolutionize Food Production in an Innovation: Making Ugali from Grass

Innovation often stems from a blend of curiosity, creativity, and an insatiable desire to address real-world problems. This story showcases the remarkable journey of a group of visionary students from Kabarak University who have not only chall...

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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