Research News & Updates

Promoting Meaningful, Beneficial and Informed Participation of African Communities in the Development and Utilization of AI Solutions Workshop

The workshop on ‘Promoting Meaningful, Beneficial and Informed Participation of African Communities in the Development and Utilization of AI Solutions’ took place on the sidelines of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligen...

Kabarak University Holds the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Conference 2023

The inaugural data science and artificial intelligence (DS&AI) conference 2023 came to a close on 3rd February 2023. The 3 day event attracted 275 unique participants representing 51+ different professionals from over 87 organizations...

Data Science and Artifical Intelligence Bootcamps

Data science and artificial intelligence are rapidly growing fields that are changing the way we live and work. To help individuals stay up-to-date on the latest concepts and tools in these areas, the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence g...

Building Smarter and Better Conferences: From Local to International Standards

Over the last ten years, the University has hosted Annual International Research Conferences in line with its mission of providing holistic quality education based on research and practical skills. This year (2022) the University hosted the 12...

Central Rift Innovation Week, 2022

The inaugural Central Rift Innovation Week was hosted by Kabarak University between the 1st and 4th of November 2022. The event whose theme was ‘Commercialization of Research and Innovation featured plenaries, a workshop, and an exhibition all...

The Official Opening of The Central Rift Innovation Week at The Kabarak University Auditorium Hall

Kabarak University in line with its core mandate in teaching, conducting research and reaching out to the community evidently dedicated four days in the academic calendar to host the Central Rift Innovation Week to show how seriously we take i...

Competency in Research, Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development

The KUPPRAC team through Research Innovation and Outreach (RIO) at Kabarak University presented two papers during the 11th Annual International Conference at Eldoret National Polytechnic. The conference themed “Competency in Research, Sciences...

KUPPRAC Debate: Can the Bottom-Up Economic Model be achieved in Kenya?

Kabarak University in collaboration with Laikipia University organized a debate that took place on 23rd September 2022. The event saw two clubs, that is, Kabarak University Public Policy Research and Analysis club (KUPPRAC) and the UNESCO club...

School of Business and Economics International Research Conference

The Kabarak University School of Business and Economics hosted its 12th Annual International Research Conference on the theme of Global trends in trade, investment, and growth today. The keynote speaker paid a courtesy call to the vice-chancel...

School of Music and Media Holds a Two-Day International Research Conference

The Kabarak University School of Music and Media is the youngest formed school which was instituted earlier this year under the leadership of the founding Dean Professor Mellitus Wanyama. The school is currently hosting its 1st two-day Annual ...

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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