Promoting Health and Wellness During Health Awareness Week, 2025

From March 17 to 21, 2025, Kabarak University conducted a successful Health Awareness Week aimed at promoting mental health and addressing issues related to drug and substance abuse. The week-long initiative involved both inreach and outreach activities, engaging students, staff, and the wider community in discussions on psychoeducation and mental wellness.

The event kicked off with an inreach program targeting Kabarak University staff and students. The primary focus was psychoeducation on the effects of drug and substance abuse, identifying signs of addiction among family members, and offering guidance on available support systems. This session provided valuable insights to equip participants with knowledge and tools to address substance-related challenges within their circles.

On March 20, the initiative extended to the Rafiki community, incorporating a diverse range of stakeholders, including students, local business owners, Nyumba Kumi representatives, the area chief, and bodaboda operators. This community-based approach sought to curb drug and alcohol abuse in Rafiki through collaboration and education. A team from the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) played a pivotal role in psychoeducating community members about the effects of substance abuse and available resources for those in need.

During the discussions, the community proposed a collaborative effort involving NACADA, Kabarak University, and local leaders to create a safer living environment for both students and residents. Mental health was also a key area of discussion, and the community greatly appreciated the efforts made towards raising awareness.

University Counsellor Pr. Esther Kapsir emphasized the importance of fostering peaceful coexistence between students and the community. She encouraged community leaders to work together in identifying and addressing concerns related to student welfare. Landlords were also urged to maintain drug-free residences, recognizing their role in protecting students as their tenants.

The Health Awareness Week concluded with a mental health talk at Kabarak University's City Campus. Pr. Esther Kapsir, along with Main Campus peer counsellors, joined City Campus Counsellor Ms. Veronica Kombich and peer counsellors in a collaborative discussion on drug use, substance abuse, and its impact on mental health.

In support of environmental wellness, participants also took part in tree planting as a symbol of conservation, reinforcing the connection between a clean environment and mental well-being. Additionally, a cleanup activity was conducted to enhance the surroundings, emphasizing the importance of both internal and external environmental wellness.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Deans' Office, the University Management, and the NACADA team for their support throughout Health Awareness Week. Special thanks go to our peer counsellors for their dedication and commitment in reaching out to their peers and ensuring the success of this impactful initiative.

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