University News and Updates

Kabarak University Student Leaders from Different Schools Associations Commissioned for Purposeful Leadership

Kabarak University celebrated the commissioning of its student leaders from various school associations during a heartfelt ceremony at the weekly Wednesday chapel service. Representatives from KUBSA (Business Students Association), KUPSA (Pharmacy Students Association), KUESA (Education Students Association), KUSSA (School of Science, Engineering and Technology Association), KUMSA (Medical Students Association), and KULSA (Law Students Association) were dedicated and officially entrusted with their leadership roles.

Kabarak University Christian Union's Impactful Two-Day Crusade at Rafiki Center

The Kabarak University Christian Union (KUCU) recently held a two-day crusade at the Rafiki Center, led by the university's Ag Provost, Rev. Justus Mutuku. This remarkable initiative aimed to foster spiritual growth and unity within the university community.

Smile For Smile Charity Initiative, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of university life, where lectures, assignments, and exams often dominate students' schedules, it's refreshing to see young minds coming together for a cause beyond their Academic Life. On 24th February, 2024, a heartwarming initiative, ‘SMILE FOR A SMILE CHARITY INITIATIVE’, undertaken by the Kabarak University Students has been making waves, as they spread joy and warmth to the little hearts residing in Israel Faith Children’s Home.

Exploring the Menengai Crater: Kabarak City Campus AYLF at it again!

The Great Rift Valley beckons, and the Africa Youth Leadership Forum (AYLF) at Kabarak City Campus is always ready to answer the call! On February 24th, a group of intrepid students, accompanied by their esteemed patron, Ms. Kombich, and supportive staff from Nakuru City Campus, embarked on an unforgettable exploration of the Menengai Crater, the largest volcanic caldera in Kenya and the second largest in Africa.

Kabarak University Celebrates 2024 KUSO Swearing-in and Dedication Ceremony

The Kabarak University Student Organization (KUSO) elected members were sworn in, officially marking the commencement of their leadership roles. President Forester Kokeyo and his team pledged their commitment to serving the student body with integrity and a vision for positive change.

First Among Equals: President Kokeyo Charts a Unified Path for Kabarak University

Pravin Forester Kokeyo, the newly sworn-in KUSO President, took the stage during the Kabarak University weekly Wednesday chapel to deliver his first message as the 2024 Kabarak university student president. His statement, "I'm not cut out from a different cloth but I only became the first among equals," encapsulates a leadership philosophy built on inclusivity and unity.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from Nakuru City CBD, along the Nakuru – Eldama Ravine road.

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