Name and contacts of proposer
Provide full names, affiliation and contacts
Working title
Introduction and background
- Provide a description of the basic facts and importance of the research area.
- Describe the motivation of the research (the questions raised by the situation/crisis/legal problem)
- Provide a clear and concise description of the issues that need to be addressed by the proposed book.
Statement of aims
- Provide a list of goals that will be achieved through the proposed research
- What is the benefits/impact that will be generated if the research problem answered is the book is published
Significance of the book
- Describe how the proposed book will engage with the issues emerging from the situation/crisis and how important it is for the industry practice/knowledge advancement
Comparative justification for the book
- Substantive: State whether there are any other texts/books available in the Kenyan tertiary level market, noting the publisher, comparative content and age of the publication (is the content outdated?)
- Substantive: Note especially if existing books provide an African context or are merely foreign books imported in Kenya
- Affordability: State whether any existing texts may substantive overlap with your proposed book but are overpriced for the tertiary education market
Book Structure and Chapter outlines
- Provide the proposed structure of the book
- This includes a complete proposed table of contents with chapter descriptions
- It can be divided into sections and sub-sections.
- Show if chapters will be presented either as an individual’s writings or as a compilation of different author’s writings, focusing on the prevailing themes that the book will address
- Give approximate word count per chapter
- State the date for submitting the manuscript
Assumptions and limitations of proposed work/Author’s interventions in mitigation
- State anticipated challenges, assumptions that may limit the achievement of the book project’s aims.
- Specify what steps to be undertaken to mitigate any above concerns [If an edited collection, this role is to be fulfilled by the cover editor(s)]
Brief bio of author (or authors if an edited collection)
Author(s) biography helps illuminate the core expertise in the proposed area of authorship.
NB. It is expected that title/cover editors will also be primary authors in any edited collection.