Expanding the Scope of Judicial Review: Insights from Majanja's Decision

By Sarah Muhonja* Justice David Majanja was a judge of the high court who upheld the constitutional principles highlighted in both the preamble and article 10 of the constitution. He delivered several judgements that have enriched jurisprudence in Kenya and will definitely be remembered for the same. His dedication to the law was admirable and his ...

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  1193 Hits

The scourge of price fixing in Kenya

 By Tekin Saeko* Competition law is a field of law that is pertinent to the economy of any country and the growth of its industries in a fair and efficient environment. The tenets of competition law are not vastly known and often issues may go unnoticed by the layman. The relationship between companies, both big and small, is regulated which i...

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  1932 Hits

The taxing Issue of church taxation: A legal analysis of the taxation of churches in Kenya

By Laureen Mukami Nyamu The taxation of churches has been a conundrum that has generated polarising views in many Christian-affiliated societies. The taxation of churches is a nuanced and complex problem that necessitates balancing the right to religious freedom and the need to ensure that religious institutions operate in a transparent and account...

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  7043 Hits

The rise of virtual banks: Disrupting traditional brick-and-mortar banking

By Morara Lewis "Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we've got 24 hours each." ~Christopher Rice The financial services industry has undergone significant changes with the rise of technological innovations in Fintech. These advancements present both opportunities and risks for consumers, inves...

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  1485 Hits

Public procurement: The open tendering method vis-a-vis the principle of maximisation of value for money and the principle of fairness

By Mary W. Kinyanjui* Public procurement refers to the acquisition of any type of works, assets and services of goods by a public entity.[i] Such acquisition may be by way of purchase, rental, lease, hire purchase, license, tenancy, franchise or by any other contractual means.[ii]In conducting public procurement, public entities are mandated t...

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  3507 Hits

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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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