Making a case for the right to access justice for non-citizens in Kenya: The role of law clinics in ensuring the right to legal aid for migrants

9By Rugenge wa Nciko* At the international level, no universally accepted definition of "migrant" exists. The International Organisation of Migration defines a migrant as any person who moves away from their place of usual residence, whether within their country or across an international border, temporarily or permanently, and for a variety of rea...

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Guaranteeing the right to privacy for people living with HIV and AIDS: Unpacking the decision in PMM v EA (2023)

By Terry Ombati* The Ministry of Health indicated that approximately 1.4 million Kenyans are living with HIV and AIDS by August 2023.[1] In addition, about two in five women and men experienced stigma because of their HIV status in a community setting.[2]The privacy of people who are living (or perceived to be living) with HIV and AIDS needs to be ...

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​Balancing the human right to health with animal rights and welfare: The conundrum of stray dogs in Kenya

King David Arita The recognition of animal rights and welfare, particularly as pertains their health, gained substantial traction during the late twentieth century.[i] This was spearheaded by a series of efforts led by scholars and complementary institutions, shedding light on the rights and welfare of animals as sentient beings.[ii] The establishm...

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Personhood, rights, and the African philosophical paradigm in human embryonic stem cell research

Colonialism has caused a wide-spread involuntary intermixing of Western and African intellectual categories in the thinking of contemporary Africans. It is only through a critical spirit that a contemporary African can construct a philosophy suited to present-day existence.[1]~Kwasi Wiredu~ By Laureen Mukami Nyamu* The contemporary African is a tap...

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From Ballots to Tents: Highlighting the suffering of the Internally Displaced in Kenya's 2007 Post-Election Aftermath"

By Okeke Victoria Ogochukwu "Kenya violence has a five-year life cycle with elections serving as the incubators"[i] Adeagbo and Iyi. Internal displacement is when people are forced to leave their homes due to a coercive condition, but remaining within the borders of their country.[ii] Internally displaced persons (IDPs) in their varying numbers are...

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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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