University News and Updates

Kabarak University's Strong Commitment to Combating Drug Abuse and Promoting Mental Health

At Kabarak University, the dedication to creating a safer and healthier community is evident in the proactive efforts of our peer counselors and professional couns...

Kabarak University Medical Team Leads Successful Medical Camp at Molo Stadium

Over the weekend, the town of Molo came alive with an overwhelming display of community spirit and solidarity as Kabarak University's medical team spearheaded a re...

Empowering the Future: Kabarak University's Mentorship Program at Kipsogon Secondary School

On October 23, 2023, the Department of Spiritual and Student Affairs at Kabarak University undertook an inspiring mentorship program at Kipsogon Secondary School i...

‘Smile For a Smile’

In a world bustling with activity, we often overlook the small pockets of hope and resilience that exist within our communities. On October 20, 2023, MASHUJAA DAY,...

Peer Counselors Commissioning at Kabarak University

On October 18, 2023, an inspiring event took place at Kabarak University that left a mark on the hearts of all those present. It was the Peer Counselors Commission...

Empowering Students through the Peer Counselors Training Program at Kabarak University

Kabarak University, under the guidance of the Counseling Section within the Department of Spiritual and Student Affairs, recently hosted a three-day Peer Counselor...

Kabarak University's Heartwarming Huduma Day Celebration at Emining School for the Visually Impaired

In a beautiful display of solidarity and community spirit, Kabarak University joined hands to celebrate Huduma Day with Emining School for the Visually Impaired. L...

Badili Africa Empowers Future Women Leaders at Kabarak University: Shaping Tomorrow's Leadership Landscape

Badili Africa, a dedicated organization committed to promoting women's leadership roles and empowerment, recently hosted a transformative event at Kabarak Universi...

Strengthening Bonds and Building Bridges: Indiana University Visits Kabarak University's Department of Public Health for Community Service

In a heartwarming display of collaboration and shared purpose, a visiting team from Indiana University, led by Ms. Nicole Anderson, joined the Kabarak University D...

Sharing Hope with the Less Fortunate

One of the founding pillars of Kabarak University is to engage in outreach activities for the service of God and Humanity.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from Nakuru City CBD, along the Nakuru – Eldama Ravine road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

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