Mr Kadima Cedric, Lawyer

Mr Kadima Cedric, Lawyer

ARF is a significant institution. Its commitment to advancing knowledge has never wavered. Compelling ideas one may not encounter in a boardroom, courtroom, classroom, or staffroom find a home at ARF. It has cultivated uncompromised principles such as fair debate, intellectual freedom, and openness. I have witnessed prestigious institutions worldwide hosting great platforms for discussion and debate, but none has been greater than ARF. This is where I belong. Yet, my watch at ARF has just begun.

Mr Elisha Zebedee Ongoya, Senior Lecturer, Kabarak University School of Law and Advocate of the High Court of Kenya

Mr Elisha Zebedee Ongoya, Senior Lecturer, Kabarak University School of Law and Advocate of the High Court of Kenya

The greatest experience for me of ARF has been the realisation that a small idea, properly nurtured, can grow into an impactful practice. When I look back to the year 2019 when the idea of starting ARF was mooted, and when I experience ARF attracting significant audience and interest locally and globally, I am really encouraged. ARF has enabled me to experience the intellectual side of my students fully. It has given my students an opportunity to be co-creators and dispensers of knowledge. In short, ARF has contributed to my sense of fulfilment as a teacher.

Ms Ruth Jebet Kiplagat, Law Student at Kabarak University

Ms Ruth Jebet Kiplagat, Law Student at Kabarak University

Reading books (both fiction and nonfiction) has always been my hobby. However, when I joined Kabarak Law School in September 2021, I was afraid I would be required to read 1,000 academic voluminous books in short periods and provide feedback in the same amount of time. So far, I have read numerous resources, but my approach to the articles and books has not been of apprehension but rather curiosity and enthusiasm. The ARF has contributed greatly to this change of perception, and I am thus immensely grateful for it and privileged to participate in organising its events. Long live the ARF!

Ms Nyanchama Sylvia, Law Student at Kabarak University

Ms Nyanchama Sylvia, Law Student at Kabarak University

Happy five years Avid Readers' Forum! Over the past five years, this forum has been an abode for thoughtful debates, in-depth interpretation of legal issues and the exchange of diverse ideas. I am genuinely grateful to be part of this celebration and look forward to even more engagements and contributions to this Forum's success. Here's to more stimulating discourse and discovery in the legal sphere.

Mr Soita Shitanda, Law Student at Kabarak University

Mr Soita Shitanda, Law Student at Kabarak University

I joined the forum in my first year, the first semester, in 2022. The Forum has provided me with both personal and intellectual growth. It has enhanced my legal knowledge and given me different insights into the legal field. It has also enabled me to develop critical thinking skills by analysing the engrossing legal texts and cases discussed in the forum. Moreover, the forum organises discussions and debates that enhance communication skills and act as a platform for like-minded individuals to meet and deliberate on interesting topics. Since joining, I have met different wonderful people who may be beneficial for future career opportunities.

Prof Willy Mutunga
Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya (2011-2016)
Dr Gautam Bhatia
Distinguished constitutional lawyer and science fiction author from New Delhi, India.
Lucianna Thuo

For it to grow into a global discourse on governance. ARF is well respected. With consistent effort, it can be the thought leader on governance in Africa and globally.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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