University News and Updates

Rotaract Club of Kabarak University Partners with the Community of Sant'Egidio in Nakuru to offer Nourishment to Numerous Homeless Women and Children.

Rotary International is committed to saving mothers and children, which is one of its six main pillars. Shockingly, an estimated 5.9 million children under the age...

Celebrating Culture and Diversity: The Spectacular 2023 Kabarak University Cultural Week and Gala Ceremony

Kabarak University's 2023 Cultural Week has come to a close, and what a week it was! From Monday, the 20th of March, until Saturday, the 25th of March, Kabarak Uni...

Kabarak University: A Premier Destination for Quality Higher Education

On Saturday, March 25th, 2023, Moi High School – Kabarak celebrated its Sixteenth Annual Prize and Thanksgiving Day. The occasion was graced by the Vice-Chancellor...

Nurturing a Great Generation: Kabarak University Rotaract Club's Efforts towards Personal and Professional Growth

Kabarak University is a highly esteemed institution in Kenya, renowned for producing exceptional graduates who become transformational leaders in various fields. H...

Kabarak University Takes Center Stage: Celebrating 15 Wins at KUPAA Performing Arts Competition

On Wednesday, Kabarak University, renowned for its exceptional academic programs and spiritual foundation, dedicated its chapel program to celebrate a remarkable a...

Mama’s Hub Featured on Google Checkup

Mama’s hub, an output of the NRF funded project “eHealth for Universal Maternal Health Coverage in Underserved Counties and Vulnerable Population Groups in Kenya”,...

Kabarak University Inspires Future Career Paths at AIC Chebisaas Boys National School Career Day

Over the weekend, the team from Kabarak University's corporate and marketing office attended the AIC Chebisaas Boys National School Career Day. This was done to se...

Kabarak Law School Shines at the John H Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO Law

Kabarak Law School has once again demonstrated its prowess in legal education by coming in second place in the 21st Edition of the John H Jackson Moot Court Compet...

Guiding the Way: Three Members of Kabarak University's Corporate Affairs Department Mentored Students at Annual Career Day at Sacred Heart Mukumu Girls.

Over the weekend, three members from the Corporate Affairs Department of Kabarak University took on a mission to market the university during the Annual Career Day...

The Grand Debate on State and Religion: Insights from Kabarak University Law School Panelists on Inclusivity, Respect, and Freedom of Religion

The Grand debate on state and religion held by the Kabarak University Law school at the University Auditorium saw three notable figures sharing their views on the ...

Checkmate! Kabarak University Chess Team Emerges Victorious at 2023 Kenya Universities Sports Association National Playoffs

The Kabarak University Chess Team has once again demonstrated its exceptional skills and talent by winning the 2023 Kenya Universities Sports Association National ...

Kabarak University Hosts Successful Academic Visit for Ol'lessos Technical Training Institute Trainees

Kabarak University has been known for the exceptional quality of education and training that it imparts to its students. It is no surprise that the university has ...

Exploring Academic Opportunities and Best Practices: Moi Girls Vokoli High School and Eldoret Technical Training Institute Visit Kabarak University

On a sunny Friday morning, a group of scrupulous students from Moi Girls Vokoli High School and Eldoret Technical Training Institute was brimming with excitement a...

Shining a Light on Cancer: Kabarak University Takes on Cancer During Health Awareness Week

Prostate, breast, and cervical cancer are three of the most common types of cancer affecting both men and women. These cancers can be highly devastating and fatal ...

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from Nakuru City CBD, along the Nakuru – Eldama Ravine road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

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