While the concept of sexualities in Africa remains a debated concept, one thing is certain. The perspectives of sexualities have evolved over the years. Professor Charles Ngwena depicts most African cultures as heteronormative and unforgiving to sexual performance in other directions.[1] Professor John Ambani, on the other hand, is of the view that African cultures have been accommodative to different sexualities since the pre-colonial period, such as homosexuality where the instances suited the cultural practices.[2] Some African cultures recognised same sex marriages where the woman could not bear children, because reproduction was a key aspect of marriage.[3] This view was changed by the colonisation which brought with it various aspects like religion, that saw the introduction of laws criminalising homosexuality.[4] The new perspective saw the continuity of these laws even after the attainment of independence of various African countries. The Kenyan Penal Code, for example, criminalises unnatural offences, which includes homosexuality therein termed as carnal knowledge with another person against the order of nature.[5] Uganda had also passed a bill in 2014 criminalising homosexuality and attaching a death sentence to it, although it was later declared null.[6]