University News and Updates

News & Updates


Kabarak Law School Shines at the 1st NCIA Moot Competition 2025

Demonstrating legal acumen and advocacy excellence, Kabarak Law School showcased its prowess at the 1st Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA) Domestic Arbitration Moot 2025. Our distinguished team—Kelvin Musyimi, Austin Onditi, Festus Bahati, and Esther Mwangangi, under the expert mentorship of Joseph Mungai—secured the 1st Runners-Up position in a fiercely contested competition. The team's exceptional legal research and writing also earned them the prestigious Best Memorial Award.


Nakuru City Campus and KABU TVET Institute Join Hands for a Day of Impactful Activities

On March 22, 2025, the Nakuru City Campus, in collaboration with KABUTVET Institute, hosted a dynamic and engaging event filled with meaningful activities. The event was spearheaded by Dr. Waiganjo, the Campus Director, and Dr. Mutai, the Executive Director of KABUTVET. Both students and staff members actively took part, making the day not only productive but also memorable.


Promoting Health and Wellness During Health Awareness Week, 2025

From March 17 to 21, 2025, Kabarak University conducted a successful Health Awareness Week aimed at promoting mental health and addressing issues related to drug and substance abuse. The week-long initiative involved both inreach and outreach activities, engaging students, staff, and the wider community in discussions on psychoeducation and mental wellness.


Kabarak University's Special Wednesday: A Heartfelt Finalist Farewell Filled with Faith and Celebration

On this fine Wednesday, a curious phenomenon unfolded at Kabarak University — Special Wednesday. No, it wasn’t a public holiday or a flash mob gone rogue. It was the day our finalists decided to trade their books for a bit of pomp and pageantry, celebrating the bittersweet reality that their time at Kabarak was drawing to a close.


The evolution of gender parity in Kenyan political representation: Where did the rain start beating us? 

With the 2027 elections coming up, the question of gender equality is intensifying by the day. This is exemplified with the looming conversation of the scrapping of the woman representative seat.[2] Article 27(8) of the Constitution mandates that no more than two-thirds of members in elective public bodies be of the same gender.[3] Additionally, Article 81(b) requires electoral systems to comply with this principle.[4] Gender equality in this context, refers to the equitable inclusion of women as compared to men in both elective and appointive seats as envisioned in article 27(3).[5]


Analysing the International Criminal Court’s seemingly binary definition of gender

 The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (2002), under Article 7(3) provides that the definition of gender in the Rome Statute shall be taken to mean; the two sexes, male and female, within the context of the society.[2] This provision has elicited many criticisms amongst experts, conservatives and liberals alike. These criticisms include the claim that the provision may cause a heteronormative interpretation of gender in international law. However, there are others who are of the school of thought that the provision cannot be considered narrow due to its acknowledgment of social norms and the presence of other safeguards in the Rome statute. In this paper, I will first provide the history of drafting of Article 7(3), and later on analyse the alleged binary nature of the same provision, and demonstrate that as much as these fears are valid, they are still quelled by the Rome Statute.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


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